encontrei uma utilidade para as aulas de inglês que tanto despreso... escrever poemas...(que novidade não ?? o Luca escrevendo poemas, nunca...) De qualquer forma... essse ai foi na primeira aula de inglês que eu tive esse ano...logo ele é velho... e como não as frequüento muito não escrevi muitos outros poemas...
Soul Sunrise
In the deepest valley
Under the highest trees
Those dark waters of destiny
Are dragging those who tried
To change them curses
But in one moment
When the first light
Touch the dark waters
And the soul are crying
Those who never have fear
of life can change the destiny
of us, of them
And them the waters
Change in darkness
Again and became fade.
Soul Sunrise
In the deepest valley
Under the highest trees
Those dark waters of destiny
Are dragging those who tried
To change them curses
But in one moment
When the first light
Touch the dark waters
And the soul are crying
Those who never have fear
of life can change the destiny
of us, of them
And them the waters
Change in darkness
Again and became fade.
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